Any post containing code examples

With ojAlgo v51.2.0 the IntegerSolver gained support for Gomory Mixed Integer (GMI) cuts. Details of what they are and how they're derived is described in many publications. Just google it.…

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With v51.1.0 the IntegerSolver got redesigned in terms of how it multi-threads as well as how it can be configured. With most, if not all, tests the new design performs…

Continue ReadingMIP Strategy Configuration

Browsing through code that uses ojAlgo it's quite common to see it being used inefficiently or at least not the intended way. Here's an example code line, seen in the…

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Almost everything in ojAlgo makes use of or interacts with some array based data structure. To always code directly against raw arrays like double[], float[] or Number[] would be awkward.…

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ojAlgo's MatrixStore interface largely defines what you can do with matrices. There are many implementations of that interface provided. They store the elements differently and exploit structure to perform operations…

Continue ReadingSparse and Special Structure Matrices

v48.3.0 had a pure Neural Network focus: Support for floatPossibility to "get" all individual parameters of the networkNew file format to save trained networks to diskImproved separation between building, training and…

Continue ReadingNeural Network New Features in v48.3

Controlling Concurrency ojAlgo is multithreaded – some operations are automatically divided to run in multiple threads. You don't have to do anything for this to happen. ojAlgo senses what hardware…

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Generalised Eigenvalue Problems ojAlgo now has built-in direct support for (some) generalised eigenvalue problems where both A and B are symmetric/hermitian and B is positive definite. Each of these problems can be reduced to a standard…

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The diet problem is one of the earliest real-life problems to be solved using linear programming. This example shows how to use ojAlgo to model and solve a (miniature) instance…

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