ojAlgo v53.1.0 was released today (2023-09-17). The most important additions are with the optimisation model and solvers: It's now possible to extract the Lagrange multipliers (dual variables) from the Optimisation.Result…
Any post that coincides with the release of a new version
On this day, 20 years ago, ojAlgo was registered at SourceForge. At that time, that was the place for Open Source project hosting (and the default version control system was CVS).…
The main benefit with ojAlgo's suite of mathematical optimisation solvers is that it's open source pure Java. It allows to solve mathematical optimisation problems directly in the JVM – no…
ojAlgo v52.0.0 has been released! It is the first release to require Java 11. org.ojalgo.array The array package now support "arrays" of any primitive numeric type. In particular support for…
If you need to solve mathematical optimisation LP, QP or MIP models without calling native code – running only pure Java code – there are very few options. In fact,…
Imagine there's a sequence of operations you need to perform on a dataset, and this dataset is very large. There is absolutely no way the entire dataset could fit in…
With ojAlgo v51.2.0 the IntegerSolver gained support for Gomory Mixed Integer (GMI) cuts. Details of what they are and how they're derived is described in many publications. Just google it.…
With v51.1.0 the IntegerSolver got redesigned in terms of how it multi-threads as well as how it can be configured. With most, if not all, tests the new design performs…
ojAlgo v51.0.0 has just been released, and with that ojAlgo-finance returns to be part of the core artifact. Historically the development of ojAlgo was motivated by various financial applications and…
v48.3.0 had a pure Neural Network focus: Support for floatPossibility to "get" all individual parameters of the networkNew file format to save trained networks to diskImproved separation between building, training and…