Benchmarking the HotSpot and OpenJ9 JVM:s doing matrix multiplication AdoptOpenJDK comes in two flavours – one with the usual HotSpot JVM and one with OpenJ9. JDK 11.0.2, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server… ojAlgo-commons-math3: The Apache Commons Mathematics LibraryojAlgo-cplex: IBM ILOG CPLEX OptimizationojAlgo-gurobi: GUROBI OptimizationojAlgo-joptimizer: JOptimizer OptimizationojAlgo-mosek: MOSEK OptimizationojAlgo-unsafe: sun.misc.Unsafe usage
Fixed downloading from Yahoo FinanceNew feature to download from Alpha Vantage and IEX TradingAdapted to ojAlgo v47
The BasicMatrix interface has been removed (hidden). From now on use the various implementations directly: PrimitiveMatrix, ComplexMatrix, RationalMatrix...Complete rewrite of ResourceLocator – essentially an http client now.A collection of minor…
He's using ojAlgo...
Just wanted to share that the KotlinConf videos were uploaded by JetBrains finally. My talk used ojAlgo for most of the examples including classroom scheduling, a Sudoku solver, and a…
A minor release with big changes for the future: The BasicMatrix interface has been deprecated!!! The various implementations will remain – all of them – but you should use those…
A previous post introduced ojAlgo's Artificial Neural Network feature. It did so by presenting a fully functional program that trained and evaluated a network model to categorise handwritten digits using the MNIST data set.…
With v46 ojAlgo got support for building artificial neural networks. Here's an example of what you can do with it. The MNIST database is a large image database of handwritten digits…
A couple of bugs fixed: The getEigenpair(int) method of the Eigenvalue interface threw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionA couple of issues related to calculating the nullspace (using QR or SVD) decompositions.Everything "Big" is…