ojAlgo-commons-math3: The Apache Commons Mathematics LibraryojAlgo-cplex: IBM ILOG CPLEX OptimizationojAlgo-gurobi: GUROBI OptimizationojAlgo-joptimizer: JOptimizer OptimizationojAlgo-mosek: MOSEK OptimizationojAlgo-unsafe: sun.misc.Unsafe usage

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The BasicMatrix interface has been removed (hidden). From now on use the various implementations directly: PrimitiveMatrix, ComplexMatrix, RationalMatrix...Complete rewrite of ResourceLocator – essentially an http client now.A collection of minor…

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A minor release with big changes for the future: The BasicMatrix interface has been deprecated!!! The various implementations will remain – all of them – but you should use those…

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A previous post introduced ojAlgo's Artificial Neural Network feature. It did so by presenting a fully functional program that trained and evaluated a network model to categorise handwritten digits using the MNIST data set.…

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A couple of bugs fixed: The getEigenpair(int) method of the Eigenvalue interface threw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionA couple of issues related to calculating the nullspace (using QR or SVD) decompositions.Everything "Big" is…

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