Controlling Concurrency ojAlgo is multithreaded – some operations are automatically divided to run in multiple threads. You don't have to do anything for this to happen. ojAlgo senses what hardware…

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Generalised Eigenvalue Problems ojAlgo now has built-in direct support for (some) generalised eigenvalue problems where both A and B are symmetric/hermitian and B is positive definite. Each of these problems can be reduced to a standard…

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The diet problem is one of the earliest real-life problems to be solved using linear programming. This example shows how to use ojAlgo to model and solve a (miniature) instance…

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This is not an eating competition, instead you have to think. The Challenge Chicken McNuggets can be ordered in the sizes of 6, 9 and 20 pieces. Being allowed to…

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In a previous post the two versions of Adopt Open JDK (HotSpot & OpenJ9) were compared doing matrix multiplication using three different pure Java linear algebra libraries. Now, a Java…

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StatQuest (Josh Starmer) has published a great video explaining principal component analysis (PCA). In the video he mentions that he is using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), but he doesn't actually…

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