ojAlgo v47.3 was released 2019-08-08. The main new features are:

  • New, long overdue, functionality to help control multithreading
  • Support for (some) Generalised Eigenvalue Problems
  • A bunch of minor changes and improvements. To get a complete list of what’s changed check out the changelog.

Generalised Eigenvalue Problems

ojAlgo now has built-in direct support for (some) generalised eigenvalue problems

$A z = \lambda B z$
$A B z = \lambda z$
$B A z = \lambda z$

where both A and B are symmetric/hermitian and B is positive definite. Each of these problems can be reduced to a standard symmetric eigenvalue problem, using a Cholesky factorisation of B. ojAlgo now handles this for you.

Example Code

Console Output

class GeneralisedEigenvalueProblem

Generalised Eigenproblem [A][V] = [B][V][D]
 1.604074 0.006127 0.133308 0.250127 0.259224
 0.006127 1.010143 0.002238   0.0042 0.004353
 0.133308 0.002238 1.220681 0.091377   0.0947
 0.250127   0.0042 0.091377 1.414067 0.177687
 0.259224 0.004353   0.0947 0.177687 1.429126
 1.412855 0.107653 0.393856  0.33646 0.313754
 0.107653 1.260753 0.248753 0.212503 0.198162
 0.393856 0.248753 1.953979 0.777454 0.724987
  0.33646 0.212503 0.777454 1.814959 0.619337
 0.313754 0.198162 0.724987 0.619337 1.759961
Eigenvectors - [V]
 -0.666868  0.341593 -0.447915 -0.083526 -0.024999
  0.091459 -0.030955  0.045101 -0.879487  0.195642
  0.509203  0.331432 -0.346537  0.186981  0.408749
 -0.227578 -0.755407 -0.104048  0.109849  0.251976
 -0.266076  0.262438  0.717441  0.100321  0.222165
Eigenvalues - [D]
 1.263856        0        0        0        0
        0 1.075374        0        0        0
        0        0 1.052367        0        0
        0        0        0 0.863366        0
        0        0        0        0 0.452183
Left - [A][V]
 -1.127161  0.471016 -0.604457 -0.060962  0.136204
  0.087327 -0.030464  0.044724 -0.887602  0.200414
  0.486888  0.405867 -0.424187  0.234679  0.540121
 -0.488978 -0.905967 -0.163164  0.165659  0.427706
 -0.544943  0.360632  0.858094  0.155118  0.395354
Right - [B][V][D]
 -1.127161  0.471016 -0.604457 -0.060962  0.136204
  0.087327 -0.030464  0.044724 -0.887602  0.200414
  0.486888  0.405867 -0.424187  0.234679  0.540121
 -0.488978 -0.905967 -0.163164  0.165659  0.427706
 -0.544943  0.360632  0.858094  0.155118  0.395354